ICON Multimedia enters in Arabian market. The communication technologies company is installing its information system DENEVA on Arabian Custom offices.

In all, there will be 150 points. ICON Multimedia makes a qualitity leap in its internationalitation strategy after having achieved major successes in our country, where they their information screens for the traveller have been installed on Adif stations.

Major companies like Iberia, Otis or El Corte Inglés have also rely on the Digital Signage technology developed by ICON Multimedia.

Digital Maketing for sales rising

Juan Carlos Martin, Rafael and Enrique Hornos, founders of ICON Multimedia saw the business opportunity after having made an approach to Islamic world through some educational sessions held in Palencia about Halal rites which disclosed the Islamic laws and recomendations.

We realized that Islamic world is extremely diverse, with over 1500 potential clients which are guided by some different cultural archetypes that you have to know  if you want to sell there. And it doesn’t just happen in Arabic countries: the biggest Muslim country of the world is Indonesia.

tells Rafael Hornos.

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